Perfect Derma Peel
Why Choose The Perfect Derma Peel Chemical Peel?
Chemical Peels exfoliate the top dead layers of skin to reveal healthy, new skin cells and a fresher, more refined complexion. Superficial peels offered at day spas can give the skin a nice glow, but medical grade peels offer longer lasting results. Bella Medical Products uses well known, safe and effective acids in low percentages to ensure a great result for all ethnicities, with little risk of side effects.
When The Perfect Derma Peel is performed in a series of 3 peels (typically once a month for three months) patients see clearer, more youthful skin and diminished signs of aging. While no doctor or medical spa can guarantee a specific result for a single cosmetic procedure, Perfect Derma Peel patients often report dramatic results after their peel series!
Be sure to prep your skin (and your schedule) and plan your “down time” properly so that you enjoy an easy, stress free process and most of all, absolutely gorgeous results!
7 Steps For An Easy Peel Process
1. Talk to your provider about your home skin care routine when booking your appointment.
Let us know if you are using any retinoids or tretinoin products. If so, you’ll want to discontinue them for 3 days before your peel to avoid excess irritation. You’ll also want to avoid other cosmetic procedures in the weeks before your peel, so let your provider know if you are planning anything stronger than a facial.
2. Protect yourself against a cold sore outbreak.
Prone to cold sores? They’re very common and affect 80% of the population. Chemical procedures can trigger an outbreak, which is the last thing you want to deal with when your skin is peeling! Be sure and ask your dr. for an antiviral to be taken several days before your peel in order to avoid getting a cold sore while your skin is already sensitive and may be irritated.
3. Take a break from your Work Out.
Peels cause a controlled, minor injury to the skin to stimulate the growth of healthy new skin cells. For this reason, it’s ideal to avoid sweating or heating your skin, as the peel application caused temporary inflammation and you don’t want to make it worse. You can safely practice gentle yoga (no hot yoga!), stretch or take a walk, etc. as long as you don’t break a sweat.
Skip the swimming pool, hot tub and saunas until your skin is completely healed.
4. Show up to your appointment with a clean face and a hat.
If possible, wear minimal or no make up to your appointment, especially if you plan to peel the skin around the eyes. It’s not absolutely essential, but it will make your prep go quicker and easier. Makeup and other products affect the way the peel penetrates and even though your doctor or esthetician will clean and prep your skin, it’s helpful to come with a bare face.
Since you will not apply any products after the peel application (not even SPF), it’s a good idea to wear a hat on your drive home or back to the office.
5. Follow instructions exactly!
Bella Medical Products has many happy patients of all Skin Types who use our products regularly. We’ve created a protocol that supports your process and results. Please be sure to read each step in the patient take home booklet and follow the recommendations. It is essential to use both Post Peel towelettes at home. It is equally important to use plenty of SPF beginning day two, and to use our special post peel moisturizer once the peeling begins.
It’s essential to protect your skin from irritation during the exfoliation process, so no harsh products, AHA’s or tretinoin, hot water, scrubbing or clarisonic brushes. DO NOT pull at or remove peeling skin as this can cause scaring. Be patient! The dead skin will slough off when you wash your skin. The results will be worth it!
If you’re not sure about something, or have any concerns, please call your provider directly for advice. While we’re happy to hear from patients at the corporate office, we cannot give medical advice over the phone, so please contact the medical professional who performed your peel for personalized follow up care.
6. Avoid any important work or social plans on Days 3-6 post peel.
“Day 1” is the day of your peel appointment. Most patients look fine, if a bit sunburned, on the day of the peel, though they sometimes feel minor irritation. On Day 2, the skin may feel sensitive and tight, but make up can be used to hide any pinkness or blotchiness.
Most patients peel visibly on Days 3-4 or even days 3-6, especially first timers, so it’s not the best time to go on a first date or make a major sales presentation at work. Instead, have your girlfriends over for dinner, a movie or game night, or curl up with that great book you’ve been meaning to finish. Since your skin will be more sensitive to the sun for at least a couple of weeks, don’t plan a peel right before a tropical getaway or other sunny destination vacation. If peeling before an important reunion, wedding or other event, we advise having your peel 2 weeks or more before your event – even longer if it’s YOUR wedding!
7. Protect your skin and prolong your Peel Treament results with the right products.
To ensure the best possible results and avoid hyperpigmentation, be extra vigilant with daily use of a broad spectrum SPF the first week post peel, and ideally for life. Make up with SPF added is not adequate protection. This is the single most important thing you can do to enjoy healthy, beautiful skin for life, at any age. Remember to apply a generous amount of SPF 30 or above before leaving the house.